Friday 14 January 2011

What Men Really Want In A Woman

Maybe this book is not relevant for the men looking for relationship advice. They probably already think they know what men really want in a woman.

But then on.

Bob Grant claims his recent book, "The Woman Men Adore...And Never Want To Leave" is for women. In all honesty, and speaking as a man, I'm guessing it's only women that would take any notice of the advice he offers.

Why is that?

Bob, a licensed professional counselor, therapist and relationship coach states,
" my years of practice as a therapist, I have noticed that women tend to be the ones who are primarily interested in the development and improvement of their relationship......Most men view the relationship as 'Fine' until there is a blowup."

And to quote Bob very early in his book, "Words are for Women".

Let's face it, men are really simple creatures and most of us want to get married and adore the woman in our life.

There are many reasons why women have relationship trouble, but the main reason is that women simply don't understand men. However, I also think that the reverse is true and that what men really want in a woman is sometimes idealistic.

Guys, I think you should also read this book.

Having read the book, Michelle thinks she has got it,
"I read your book and for the first time ever I felt like I knew the answer! Understanding Men has never been so easy! It's like something inside me came alive."

Bob Grant offers practical methods which are based on real-life feedback from those who have tried his relationship advice and found that it produced a dramatic difference in their relationships with men.

As this testimonial from Yvonne says,
"Thanks you so much!!! I really enjoyed reading your book. I have been separated for 7 months from an angry man, We were married for 12 years. I really want to do it better this time. I was searching for answers on how to do it the right way and you have given me the answers in your book. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. Thank you, I cannot tell you that enough. I have just met someone and I am so excited to try out my new techniques. I plan to really read your book over and over until I have it deep inside me and do it right. I will let you know...thanks again...God Bless you..."

"The Woman Men Adore...And Never Want To Leave" is 115 pages packed with very useful information but some of it can be a little emotional. But hey, that's what relationships are about isn't it.

As Amanda says,
"I must admit, it wasn't as easy as I had hoped it would be. My situation seemed hopeless, so I figured I had nothing to lose and boy am I glad I gave your book a try. It's kind of scary being vulnerable, but now I am seeing the results with my boyfriend that I never dreamed were possible."

And Bob's "Secrets of a Great Relationship" in chapter 6 attempts to clear up misunderstandings that we all experience when talking to each other.

The section about the "On" button is rather intriguing although short. However, you'll understand why this is when you read it....

I have two slight criticisms - the fact that this book is written by a man and yet targeted at women. Maybe I am being too sensitive from a male perspective. But I think that men could certainly learn something from the book.

I am full of admiration of the content, to the extent I am wondering how to leave the book somewhere for my wife to find without being too obvious!

The second observation is more to do with style. Bob Grant has put so much content into this book and, as the pages are very densely packed it was a bit of a struggle to read on my laptop. Maybe I should have printed it for comfort.

And maybe I should rest my eyes and not spend as much time on the laptop and more time with my wife!

I highly recommend this book not only for its wisdom but also for the very useful practical advice it offers.

So if you want to know what men really want in a woman, go get your copy of "The Woman Men Adore...And Never Want To Leave".

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